by Darlene Cavalier | Jun 15, 2012 | Blog
First Open-Source Satellite Project Launches Kickstarter Campaign NanoSatisfi LLC, Science Cheerleader, SciStarter, and Discover Magazine have officially joined forces to launch a funding and public outreach campaign for the ArduSat, (Arduino Satellite) project, which...
by Darlene Cavalier | Jun 12, 2012 | Blog, Events, Guest Blog Post, Science Education, World Science Festival 2012
This is a guest blog post from Science Cheerleader, Amanda, a newly minted medical doctor and former NFL cheerleader. Amanda is pictured above, on the left. The World Science Festival was such a great event! The Science Cheerleaders made the BioBus their home. The...
by Darlene Cavalier | Jun 11, 2012 | Blog, Cavalier Speaking engagements, Events
Recently, I had the pleasure of participating at a Story Collider event at the fabulous Bell House in Brooklyn, NY. The event, IAmScience, marked Story Collider’s two year anniversary with “a massive event on the twisted and unorthodox paths to careers in...
by Bart Leahy | Jun 5, 2012 | Advanced Degrees, Blog, Chemical Engineering, Chemistry, Doctorate, General - Mathematics, General - Science, Health and Medicine, Mathematics, NFL, STEM Field, The Science Cheerleaders, Washington Redskins
Congratulations to Science Cheerleader Talmesha, Science Cheerleader who cheered for the Washington Redskins. She already has a B.S. Chemical Engineering and a B.S. Mathematics. Now, she has a brand new Ph.D. in Cellular and Molecular Medicine from Johns Hopkins!...
by Darlene Cavalier | Jun 1, 2012 | Blog, Events, Science Education, World Science Festival 2012
Head to the World Science Festival in NYC on June 3 and meet Amanda and Christine at the super cool BioBus, the “world’s only grease-powered science lab on wheels.” Use research-grade equipment aboard the bus to make your own discoveries with the...
by Darlene Cavalier | May 25, 2012 | Blog, Cavalier Speaking engagements, Events, OTA, Science Policy
Expert & Citizen Assessment of Science & Technology (ECAST) network cordially invites you to the USA launch of the World Wide Views on Biodiversity project: A distributed, agile, collaborative, and non-partisan 21st century approach that integrates citizen...