Keeping Up with the SciCheers: What’s New with Lauren?

SciCheer Samantha here! It’s been a while since we’ve talked to some of our Science Cheerleaders. So we’re Keeping Up with the SciCheers with the latest from SciCheer Lauren! Remind us of your background, and tell us about your new degree! I...
Super Bowl LI: A Field Full Of Science Cheerleaders

Super Bowl LI: A Field Full Of Science Cheerleaders

Hi SciCheer fans, Samantha here! Check out the Science Cheerleaders you might find on the field this weekend! Super Bowl LI is this weekend and both teams have a lot to be proud of. Not only are the Atlanta Falcons and New England Patriots conference champions, they...
TEN Science Cheerleaders on the Playoff Sidelines–Houston Texans

TEN Science Cheerleaders on the Playoff Sidelines–Houston Texans

Hello, Science Cheerleader fans! It’s playoff season for the NFL, and while we recognize the athletic prowess displayed by the players on the football field, we can’t overlook the science-minded cheerleaders to be found on the sidelines. Here we present...
Jaclyn: Washington Wizards Cheerleader, Mathematician, and Computer Engineer, performing with Science Cheerleaders at the USA Science and Engineering Festival

Jaclyn: Washington Wizards Cheerleader, Mathematician, and Computer Engineer, performing with Science Cheerleaders at the USA Science and Engineering Festival

Hello, Science Cheerleader fans! Jaclyn is one of two current Washington Wizard Gals who will be joining the Science Cheerleaders at the USA Science & Engineering Festival April 16-17. See what she has to say! What turned you onto science and when? Throughout my...
Talmesha: Former Washington Redskins Cheerleader, chemical engineer, mathematician, PhD in molecular medicine!

Talmesha: Former Washington Redskins Cheerleader, chemical engineer, mathematician, PhD in molecular medicine!

Congratulations to Science Cheerleader Talmesha, Science Cheerleader who cheered for the Washington Redskins. She already has a B.S. Chemical Engineering and a B.S. Mathematics. Now, she has a brand new Ph.D. in Cellular and Molecular Medicine from Johns Hopkins!...

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