Science Cheerleaders and the Math Girls at the BioBus, World Science Festival

This is a guest blog post from Science Cheerleader, Amanda, a newly minted medical doctor and former NFL cheerleader. Amanda is pictured above, on the left.

The World Science Festival was such a great event! The Science Cheerleaders made the BioBus their home. The BioBus is an organization that travels around New York City (and sometimes much farther) to visit schools and bring science to the masses. Specifically, the BioBus team specializes in microscopy.
At the World Science Festival the Science Cheerleaders had an opportunity to work with visitors at the BioBus observing an organism called Daphnia under a high powered microscope, exploring different fabrics and materials with a myoscope and looking at some of the smallest object we could find with a scanning electron microscope. To find out more about the BioBus, you can check it out at
By far, my favorite part of the event was meeting the “Math Girls” Ionica and Jeanie. They started a blog in 2006 while they were both pursuing math Ph.Ds at Leiden University in the Netherlands. They told us that they wanted to spread their love of math to others and even dressed up in polka-dots skirts at a math and science festival in the Netherlands and played math games with the crowd. It reminded me so much of the Science Cheerleaders; it was heartwarming to know that the passion to break stereotypes and get everyone excited about math and science is felt all over the world. To find out more about the “Math Girls” check them out here:
We’ll be back in NYC on August 30th when Science Cheerleader, Allison and STEM expert Jeanne Garbarino (who also writes for the awesome Double X Science blog) will speak at the Women’s Equality Day Event at the FDA in Queens, New York.

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