Talmesha: Former Washington Redskins Cheerleader, chemical engineer, mathematician, PhD in molecular medicine!

Talmesha: Former Washington Redskins Cheerleader, chemical engineer, mathematician, PhD in molecular medicine!

Congratulations to Science Cheerleader Talmesha, Science Cheerleader who cheered for the Washington Redskins. She already has a B.S. Chemical Engineering and a B.S. Mathematics. Now, she has a brand new Ph.D. in Cellular and Molecular Medicine from Johns Hopkins!...

A Science Dance Off?!

Hey kids! Have you caught the latest dance fever? The Funky Monkey? The Charlie Brown? The Adhesion and Endocytosis in Neuronal Migration? It’s all the rage!   Particularly at the American Association for the Advancement of Science. The AAAS reps a group of...

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