Science Cheerleaders Celebrated Super Bowl at Children’s Museum of Phoenix
The Science Cheerleaders celebrated the Super Bowl being in Arizona by hosting an interactive event at the Children’s Museum of Phoenix.
Visitors were greeted by SciCheer Samantha where they learned more about the organization, took science-themed photos, and learned about citizen science through SciStarter. SciCheers Jenna and Jacqueline lead guests through our All About Binary activity where they taught visitors the computer language by making beaded bracelets. At the last stop in the venue, SciCheer Wendy taught visitors about The Heart of Cheer! She explained how heart rates change based on activity, and taught a fun cheer to test it out.
Before we closed out the event, we welcomed the Arizona Cardinals Cheerleaders to help us lead a group cheer for science. Zaryn, a nursing school student, and Jordan, engaged local fans and shared their love of STEM.
We are so thankful to the Children’s Museum of Phoenix for hosting us! See you at our next event!