Our video will (very) likely reach 100,000 hits in the two short weeks it’s been up on YouTube and we’ve been in the news (a lot) these days, in addition to ESPNCNN, and others who featured us last week.
A few highlights:
Chronicle of Higher Education: Take THAT (former) critics!
Guy Kawasaki’s Holy Kaw! : Three Cheers for Science! “Toss those cheerleader stereotypes and give a yell for the ladies whose brains are as big (if not bigger) than their pom-poms. These former sideline sweeties of the professional sports world went on to pursue engineering and science degrees, but can still shake it with the best of them.”
The MetaFilter Community Blog: Gimme an S! (the comments are definitely worth a read)
Fox News: Science Can Be Sexy
Geek Feminism: “While we’re talking about science, have you seen the awesome video by the Science Cheerleaders? GOOOOO SCIENCE!”
Fisted.com: Cheerleaders Make Science So Much More Interesting. “I’m sure that there are plenty of hot chick-hating feminists out there who are going to criticize Darlene and Science Cheerleaders’ approach. They are going to say that it degrades women and all that hullabaloo. But the fact is no one would be reading this post right now if there weren’t hot, scantily clad stunners telling you to read it. You wouldn’t find out how few women make their way into the sciences in college and beyond and that something should be done about that. So feminists: when overall awareness is raised and people actually start to care about the presence of women in science, you can thank these well-endowed hotties above.”
Jezebel : ProCheerleaders Become Science Cheerleaders. “While skimpy costumes and pom-poms may be the gimmick that draws attention to the group, the website actually provides an interesting picture of women working in STEM fields, and how their appearance has factored into their career. Along with updates on science news and videos explaining the physics of football, Cavalier posts interviews with each of the women about her interest in cheering, her academic pursuits, and the discrimination they’ve faced trying to do both.”
Topless Robot: She Cheered Me With Science. (comments are worth a read)
Ultimate Cheerleaders: The Titans Cheerleaders Participate in the Science and Engineering Festival.
Wonder How To: “Shake those hot brainy booties for Science!!”
Asylum.com: Science Cheerleaders! (Note my least favorite line: “Cavalier is still kinda smokin’ ”  Nice. 🙂 )
i09.com: Science Cheerleaders… “expect this to be a subplot on Glee.”
San Francisco Examiner: These Cheerleaders Prove Science Is Sexy.
Marginal Revolution: The Science Cheerleaders
The Web Gangsta: Hooray for Science Cheerleaders! “Pretty AND smart?  You need to marry that girl, pronto!”
Edu in Review: Science Cheerleaders Promote STEM Education. “Not only do the women featured on the site challenge stereotypes surrounding both scientists and cheerleaders, they also present an encouraging image of beauty. What makes these women attractive is their athleticism, their intelligence and their articulateness.”
I’ll post more shortly. In the interim, check out some of the comments from YouTube, Jezebel, and the MetaFilter Community Blog:
“You gals rock. Here’s hoping my science loving daughter can be as well rounded and thoughtful as you!”
“Simultaneously taking on (and dismantling) stereotypes against both cheerleaders and nerds? You guys are awesome!!”
“Lord, what I wouldn’t have given for someone to tell Teenage Me, ‘you can be smart and funny and like football and want to cheer and join Ac Dec and dress like a total nerd.”
“I (embarrassingly) found myself surprised when the cheerleaders started talking about their degrees and jobs, so surely this is a good thing.”
“This project gets two enthusiastic RA RA RA’s (ROMA) from me!”
“FxxK YEAH! This is awesomeness on a truly epic scale. Breaking down expectations about both scientists *and* cheerleaders!  And between science cheerleaders and science for citizens, it sounds like Cavalier is really committed to making science accessible. Which is the sort of thing that will do more for getting more women and more people into STEM careers.”
“Most positive thing I have seen for America in a long time. Science rules!”

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