Do you know where your Congressional representatives and Senators stand on the health reform issue? Research!America (the nation’s largest not-for-profit public education and advocacy alliance), makes it easy to find out, through the “Your Congress, Your Health” constituent education initiative. Now, it’s as simple as visiting the website and typing in your zip code to learn more about your reps’ positions. And YOU get to weigh in with your opinions on this and other health-related legislative matters.
Thanks, subscriber Marilyn (who happens to work at Research!America) for calling attention to this terrific project! Here’s an excerpt from an email Marilyn sent us a little while back:

As President Obama and Congress proceed to revamp the American health care system, health reform will continue to dominate the national dialogue. Securing funding for medical, health and scientific research must be a critical piece of that discussion.
Your Congress-Your Health asks all members of Congress their positions and priorities on health reform, as well as health-related research. An initiative of Research!America and more than 20 partner organizations, the 2009 Your Congress-Your Health questionnaire is now online along with some initial responses from Congress. Knowing where Congress stands on these issues should be top of mind for your readers and all Americans.
There is important work to be done for health reform, but it does not mean that we should stop working on the future of health. Research is the only way to transform U.S. health care from a “sick-care” system to a system that prevents disease. Moreover, committing to a strategic investment in research will help lift America out of its current economic crisis by creating jobs and ensuring that we decrease the disease burden that hurts our health and our economy.
On the site, your readers can see if their members of Congress have responded to the survey and, if not, use links on the site to let Congress know that their views on these issues are important to their constituents. We also have public opinion poll data available featuring questions similar to those we are asking Congress.
Let me know if you have any questions about Your Congress-Your Health. Thanks for all you do for science and science advocacy. Regards, Marilyn J. Walker, Research!America

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