It’s been said many times that the best way to explain science (and a great many other things) is to tell a good story.   So this week I’m linking to three really good stories plus one post about stories.
Not your typical vacation in Cancun.  Here’s what Dr. Alistair Dove at Deep Sea News likes to do when he goes to Mexico – a little sun, some nice waves, and a LOT of whale sharks.   Yes, he has pictures.
A Spider Sat Beside Her.  Sometimes the best stories happen right in your own house. Jeanne Garbarino tells a touching tale of how she helped introduce her four-year-old daughter to science using only a doll house, an ant, and a spider.
Baseball’s loss is the science blogosphere’s gain. The author at Scientopia’s Tales of the Genomic Repairman explains how he got interested in science – it had to do with his lack of a major-league fastball.
The Story of Stories. Michael W. Kraus looks at the science of the stories we tell about ourselves and provides some very interesting insights on why they may not always be as accurate as we think they are.

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