Photo credit: joshDubya

OK, so it hasn’t exactly been a “weekly” update of links to the best in the science blogosphere.  I’d like to say I’m too busy with work but watching Darlene jet around to places like Netroots Nation and so on I really have no excuse.   So to make it up I’ve put together a double helping of links and I’ll try to get back into the swing of things.  Here we go…
This is your brain on Ocean.   Kevin Zelnio wrote a great piece for the Scientific American Guest Blog that looks at why people feel an emotional attachment to the ocean and what’s being done to preserve it.
Sorry, but your dog may not “get you” as much as you think.  Jason Goldman at Thoughtful Animal explains “man’s best friend” has the brain of a… well, a dog.  So  it doesn’t think like a person.  This might make you feel sad, so…
What Your Depressed Partner Would Like You To Know.  Kate Theida tries to build a bridge of understanding between depressed people and their partners – and she’s asking for your help.  Depression is a serious illness and her work is important and most welcome.   The good news, of course, is…
Love is a great pain killer. Joseph Castro at Discover’s Discoblog shares some of the new research on how we may feel less pain when looking at pictures of people we love.  Of course, the study appears to involve giving women electric shocks while looking at pictures of their partners, so I’m hoping the exercise doesn’t create a Pavlovian response.  (look it up.)
Come to Italy and, umm… study my sausage.  Seriously.  Carin Bondar lets scientists know of a research project about to take place at the University of Torino.  Kidding aside, food research like this is critically important.  And I’m figuring the food in Italy is pretty good.
Ah, those mysterious… wind turbines. Heather Goldstone at Climatide presents a stunning picture of clouds forming in the wake of an off-shore wind farm.  Scientists don’t know why this happens, but it should be fun to find out.
REVEALED: why wallaby farts don’t stink.  Yes, this is actual science.  I was going to share a cool video of “dancing” water in a Tibetan Singing Bowl, but then I saw a link to the wallaby fart story and it just fed my inner-adolescent.  Sorry.
The evolution of #scimom! Jeanne Garbino was one of the first and most frequent contributors to our #scimom project. Now she’s inviting mom bloggers to guest post on her science blog – I think it’s an outstanding idea and I hope she has great success with it.

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