by Darlene Cavalier | Feb 24, 2014 | Events, In the News, Project MERCCURI, Science at the 76ers
Thanks to everyone who came out to support Science at the Sixers night on February 18! We were so happy to work with our partner, SciStarter, to help raise funds for the Philadelphia Education Fund while we: Media: WHYY (“Can a group of cheerleaders get more...
by Darlene Cavalier | Jul 12, 2012 | Events, USA Science and Engineering Festival 2012, video
The Science Cheerleaders (current and former NFL and NBA cheerleaders who are pursuing careers in science, technology, engineering and math), performed for more than 100,000 people at the USA Science and Engineering Festival in Washington, D.C. (April 2012)....
by Darlene Cavalier | Oct 19, 2011 | AFL, Cleveland Cavaliers, Detroit Pistons, General - Science, Health and Medicine, NBA, STEM Field, The Science Cheerleaders
Pleased to introduce you to our latest Science Cheerleader, Jen, a doctor in Forensic Pathology who used to cheer for two NBA teams (Cleveland Cavaliers and Detroit Pistons) and one AFL team (Columbus Destroyers). SciCheer: Jen, what turned you on to science and when?...
by Darlene Cavalier | Aug 13, 2011 | Economics, General - Mathematics, Mathematics, NBA, STEM Field, The Science Cheerleaders, Washington Redskins, Washington Wizards
Meet Lauren. She’s a cheerleader for NFL’s Washington Redskins and previously a cheerleader for the NBA’s Washington Wizards. She’s a native Washingtonian and currently works for a government contractor in the DC area as a systems engineering...