For those of you weren’t able to attend the live, SXSW event in Austin, TX, here’s the audio recording of the discussion. Such fun! (I’m the last of four speakers.)
SXSW panel on Citizen Science: audio file
by Darlene Cavalier | May 18, 2009 | Blog, Citizen Science, In the News
Excellent discussion! It would have been good for someone to have mentioned that other programs, like Science Cafe, are out there to help generate, foster and/or support citizen science participation! I would like for more scientists to make ther work more accessible/appealing to public participation as well. This is/should be a two-way process where scientists participate equally as well!
Great job in this venue Darlene! Despite the urge to wrap thing up quickly for the beer, the panel covered quite a bit of ground and I feel I understand even more about the citizen scientist movement from my side of this endeavor!
Excellent discussion! It would have been good for someone to have mentioned that other programs, like Science Cafe, are out there to help generate, foster and/or support citizen science participation! I would like for more scientists to make ther work more accessible/appealing to public participation as well. This is/should be a two-way process where scientists participate equally as well!
Great job in this venue Darlene! Despite the urge to wrap thing up quickly for the beer, the panel covered quite a bit of ground and I feel I understand even more about the citizen scientist movement from my side of this endeavor!