It’s been quite a week for science. Some of the greatest minds in science shared their visions and concerns for the future of mankind at the World Science Summit yesterday at Columbia University in NY.
(I squirreled my way into the “invitation only” event and managed to insert myself into fascinating conversations: “Quasors and String Theory, uh, yeah, I [pause] got it,  but how can we provide more meaningful opportunities for citizens to voice their opinions, concerns, hopes and fears about science?” More on that wild experience, later!)
After NYC Mayor Bloomberg opened the Summit (did anyone know he majored in engineering in college?), actor Alan Alda took the stage to help announce the winners of the $1 million Kavli Prize. Here’s the report I wrote for Discover Magazine. 
All of that took place in just the first hour of the day-long Summit. Stay tuned for more.

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