Originally posted on the Boy’s Latin of Philadelphia Charter School website.

Alec Stith wins city-wide video competition.
Representatives from Apple, Inc., the
Philadelphia Math + Science Coalition,
Jamie Shuda and the the
Science Cheerleaders, and the Philadelphia Phillies came to Boys’ Latin on Friday, December 9, to congratulate sophomore student Alec Stith on winning a city-wide video competition.
The challenge for the students entering the competition was to create a video that addressed the question, “Why is math and/or science important in your life?”
All of the videos were uploaded to YouTube and were submitted to a public vote. Alec’s video was among the top three videos to make it to the semi-final round. The final winner was selected by a panel of judges from Apple, Inc.
Alec’s video was based on the idea that advances in science and technology have changed the way we are able to communicate with others.

A special “science pep rally” was held in Alec’s honor. Representatives from the Phillies gave out prizes to the students who attended. In addition, cheerleaders from Drexel University, LaSalle University, and the Science Cheerleaders were on hand to support the celebration.

Alec received $100 in iTunes gift certificates and a field trip with his peers to tour of Jill Scott’s professional recording studio. Alec’s teacher, Mr. Smith, also won $250 in classroom funds from Staples, and Dr. Tennant received a signed John Legend CD. A special thanks also went out to Mr. Hasty for promoting the contest in his technology classes at Boys’ Latin and for ensuring that the largest number of student entries came from Boys’ Latin. Students and Mr. Hardy visited Jill Scott’s recording studio on Tuesday, December 13.
Thank you to Fran Andrews and the Philadelphia Math + Science Coalition for coordinating this event.