The Science Cheerleaders appear in the most interesting places. Recently, SciCheer Brandi participated in the Girl Scouts’ Green Rush event in Atlanta, which was an opportunity for people to learn about environmentally friendly businesses. “What an amazing opportunity to support Green Rush and encourage young people to go into the STEM fields, said Brandi. “Special thanks to Kinchasa Taylor, CGH Director, United Nations Association, and Mayor Kasim Reed’s office. I look forward to participating next year.”
We also received the following note from the event leader:

“Thank You Science Cheerleader for bringing Brandi Jones, MPH, Cheerleader, and author to our event. Brandi’s influence on young girls, particularly African American girls, was both inspiring and progressive. Her participation epitomized our goal for our event- Engage the Youth to think outside the box. We look forward to working with you next year! Thank you Darlene for having the insight and courage to share your privilege with others. You Guys Rock, Outside of the Box!”

Go, Brandi!
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