Join Darlene Cavalier (founder of Science Cheerleader and SciStarter, cofounder of ECAST, and senior adviser at Discover Magazine) on May 22 in Brooklyn, NY for the Story Collider’s two year anniversary! Story Collider is celebrating with “IAmScience” a massive event on the twisted and unorthodox paths to careers in science, including Cavalier’s.
Come for and evening of stories, videos, and as a special treat: Music by The Amygdaloids — by day: scientists, by night: rock stars singing songs about love and life peppered with insights drawn from research about mind and brain and mental disorders.
Stories by:
Darlene Cavalier, The Science Cheerleader
David Dobbs, Science writer
Joy Hirsch, Neuroscientist
Joe LeDoux, Neuroscientist and leader of The Amygdaloids
Tickets $10, available at the door, or here.
I heard you on the podcast and I have to say you were (are?) awesome!
Please keep up the good work. We need more science people in this world, especially in this technology age.
Thank you!