Photo Credit: Minnesota Vikings

Hello, Science Cheerleader fans! As part of NFL Playoff season, we are interviewing some of the current professional cheerleaders who are cheering their teams in the playoffs while also pursuing science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) careers. Read on to learn more about Parey, a medical manufacturing buyer and member of the Minnesota Vikings Cheerleaders (MVC) squad.

How did you get interested in engineering?
After graduating from college with my degree in Retail Buying and Product Management, I knew I wanted to be a buyer but not in the retail industry. I had a lucky break, and was connected with someone in the Medical Device industry. This intrigued me because my childhood career choice was to be a surgeon. Three years later, I still love the field I’m in!

Who had the most influence on your career choice?
My parents had the most influence on my career choice. Growing up my father was in Pharmaceutical sales, specifically working with patients with Hemophilia. Both my mom and dad knew how amazing the medical industry was and encouraged me to take the leap!

How would you describe what you do?
In my day-to-day job, I make sure I buy all of the raw material needed to make individual medical device components. I work closely with my suppliers to ensure we are getting the best material so we can deliver safe and quality products to our customers.

How do you integrate your career with being a professional cheerleader?
Confidence and public speaking. Before becoming a cheerleader, even though I was very knowledgeable about our product and processes, I would be very nervous to present in meetings. Being a cheerleader has pushed me out of my comfort zone and now I can give a rocking presentation.

What’s your favorite part about your job?
My favorite part of my job is the impact I have on our customers quality of life. It’s a very rewarding feeling, and it pushes me to work hard so we can continue to make meaningful differences for so many people.

What’s been the best experience as an NFL cheerleader? 
My favorite part of being an NFL cheerleader is getting to meet the most amazing people in the community and having the opportunity to be role models to all the awesome little girls out there.  Not to mention I get to combine my two favorite things…….dance and football.

What’s one thing people would find surprising about you?
One thing that might surprise people about me is that I own 600 movies. My favorite kind of night is to snuggle on the couch with my Golden Doodle and watch a Marvel movie!

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