Special invitation from an inside-source at the Department of Defense…our very own Dr. John Ohab:
Here’s a great opportunity to engage the highest ranking U.S. military officer in a dialogue about science: Admiral Mullen, The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, is taking YOUR video questions over YouTube through midnight on Monday, August 31st. He’ll select his favorite questions and answer them directly on the Defense Department’s YouTube page.
The Department of Defense (DoD) will spend more than $75 billion on research, development, testing, and evaluation in fiscal year 2009; that is, more than the entire budgets of the National Institutes of Health and National Science Foundation COMBINED. Much of this will directly support our warfighters by providing revolutionary, superior capabilities needed to accomplish DoD’s mission. However, this investment also includes research in biomedicine, earth and environmental sciences, information technology, and many other disciplines that extend beyond military applications into the civilian world.
Do you have a question about DoD’s efforts to reduce energy consumption, their research on climate change and retreating Artic sea ice, medical care for servicemembers and their families, or how Recovery funds will impact DoD scientific pursuits?
Submit your YouTube video questions before midnight on Monday, AUGUST 31!   Don’t miss your chance to get answers straight from the top!

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