Washington Post: Cheerleaders blog about careers in science, technology, engineering and math
Dr. John here… You know, from time time, I’ll craft a blog post or produce a video adventure that I consider to be truly groundbreaking, only to learn from Google Analytics that the world did not agree. Other times, I simply aggregate previously generated content into a list, and it gets picked up by the Washington Post. Go figure.
Check out this nice piece written by The Washington Post’s Rachel Saslow after she happened upon our Top Science Cheerleader Posts of 2010:

Cheerleaders blog about careers in science, technology, engineering and math
Give me an S-C-I-E-N-C-E! ScienceCheerleader.com is a blog about professional cheerleaders who are pursuing careers in science, technology, engineering and math. The founder of the blog is Darlene Cavalier, a former Philadelphia 76ers cheerleader who worked at Discover magazine for 10 years and advocates for citizen science, encouraging people to learn about and participate in science through recreational activities and formal research. One of the blog’s top 10 posts of 2010 featured Rachel, a former Redskins cheerleader who enlisted in the Navy and is studying to become an anesthetist. She tried to keep her previous life under wraps, but her Navy co-workers let it slip and it proved to be “a great morale booster in the end” for her patients. They loved talking football with her and finding out what it was like to be an NFL cheerleader.

Thanks Rachel!

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