Today, I attended a Capitol Hill briefing on Energy Efficiency. Ok, I’m the director of this 4-part series, produced by Discover magazine, the National Science Foundation, and professional engineering societies IEEE and ASME. More information to follow but one of my biggest take-aways I’d like to share with you is this:
Nature has all the answers.  Install more (energy efficient) windows in your home and you’ll displace 30-60% of your lighting costs/footprint (and isn’t natural lighting so much prettier than those ugly florescent bulbs?); open those windows and displace 20-40% of your cooling; and displace 20-40% of your heating w/the solar energy. Plant trees and the energy efficiency increases. How? Trees shed their leaves just in time for you and your household to soak up the sun. And they bud new leaves before you need their cooling again.* Nature is so…natural 🙂
*from Vivian Loftness, FAIA, CMU

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