
Megan: software engineer, former Redskins cheerleader

Adriene Baltimore Ravens Science Cheerleader

Adriene: Animal Scientist, former Baltimore Ravens cheerleader

Tynesha: Baltimore Blast, Chemist

Tynesha: Chemist, Baltimore Blast cheerleader

Lauren: mathematician, former cheerleader for the Washington Wizards and Redskins

Lauren: mathematician, former cheerleader for the Washington Wizards and Redskins

Today, from 10-3, the Science Cheerleaders will be at the Smithsonian Air and Space Museum (in Space Race (Gallery 114)) to help celebrate “Women in Aviation: Heritage Family Days.”
The Science Cheerleaders and team members from SciStarter will lead activities to inform the public about nationwide research that examines soil moisture conditions and water availability. NASA’s SMAP (Soil Moisture Active Passive) satellite is measuring soil moisture from the sky. SciStarter and the Science Cheerleaders are working with YLACES (Youth Learning as Citizen and Environmental Scientists) to engage teams on Earth to ground-truth the satellite data.
Kids at today’s event will make their own mission patches, informed by this one, designed exclusively for the SciCheer/SciStarter SMAP project!
smap patch image
The Science Cheerleaders will also sign autographs and talk about their new book: The Science of Cheerleading, now available on iTunes!

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