SciCheer Samantha here! It’s been a while since we’ve talked to some of our Science Cheerleaders. So I’m back with our Keeping Up with the SciCheers series with the latest from SciCheer Theresa!

Remind us: what is your background?

I graduated from Yale University with a B.S. in Molecular Biophysics and Biochemistry. After working for two years at the Broad Institute of Harvard and MIT developing genome editing tools, I started my PhD at Harvard in Chemical Biology.

Last time we talked, you were just starting your PhD. Anything new you are working on?

I am currently working at Massachusetts General Hospital in the laboratory of Bob Kingston. My thesis work focuses on a protein complex that silences genes to regulate transcription and development. I am interested in a biophysical process called liquid-liquid phase separation (similar to oil and water), which allows a cell to compartmentalize biochemical reactions in its nucleus.

Wow! Where did you passion for all this science research come from?

My enthusiasm for science developed as a kid through science fair projects such as designing a seashell filter to remove lead contamination from water or harnessing wind energy with a kite power system.

What’s it like being a scientist and a cheerleader?

As a New England Patriots Cheerleader for the 2016-2017 season, I enjoyed the opportunity to engage with the community, break stereotypes, and cheer the Pats on as Super Bowl LI Champions. As a Science Cheerleader, I hope to share my passion for science and technology while encouraging kids to follow their own dreams, whatever they may be!

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