Meet Mr. E-coli! One of many plush, stuffed MICROBES now available for order. I did a double take when someone forwarded this site to me.
Ms. Swine Flu is also available. Best sellers include: The Common Cold, The Flu, Sore Throat, Stomach Ache, Brain Cell, E. coli, Kissing Disease, Ulcer, Martian Life, Beer & Bread, Black Death, Ebola, Flesh Eating, Sleeping Sickness, Dust Mite, Bed Bug, Bookworm, and many more.  (“Say ‘nighty night’ to Mr. Ebola, Suzie” ???)

From the GIANTmicrobes website:
GIANTmicrobes are stuffed animals that look like tiny microbes — only a million times actual size! They’re humorous, educational, and fun! Each of our GIANTmicrobes comes with an image and information about the real microbe it represents. They make great learning tools, as well as amusing gifts for anyone with a sense of humor.

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