Through efforts like citizen science, we are serving science. Join me on May 3 to discuss and debate “how science is serving us.”
(The following is an excerpt from the Donaghue Foundation’s website.)
2013 BeyondEureka!
Friday, May 3, 2013
7:30am – 12:30pm
Hartford Marriott Farmington
Farmington, CT
Register here.
Beyond Eureka! 2013 conference will explore the role of science in our society today by highlighting some of the key issues and trends shaping the way that science is carried out and what this means for the future.
Our keynote speakers will offer a historical perspective on modern science; talk about internal and external pressures on the conduct of science, discuss how the public views science and scientists and why science literacy and citizen involvement in the conduct of science are so important in our world today. The panel and audience discussion that follows will explore ways we can all engage in answering the question: How is science serving us?
Who should attend: Anyone interested in understanding the historical, economic and political drivers to the practice and business of science today; public policy makers, business leaders and educators who view STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) literacy as a global competitive imperative; and anyone who wants to learn about the opportunities to experience the satisfactions that participating in scientific inquiry and discovery can bring.
CME, CEU and CEC credits for physicians, nurses and social workers will be offered at this conference. For more information click here.
As part of this year’s conference, we’re hosting a Science Opportunities Fair for service providers and organizations with a focus on engaging families, children and mentors to promote their missions and programs.
Visit the Fair adjacent to the Marriott ballroom during registration, the networking break and at the close of the conference program.
Exhibitors include: Connecticut Science Center, Connecticut Technology Council’s Girls of Innovation Program, Science Cheerleaders, SciStarter, STARBASE, Yale Peabody Museum, and others to be announced later.