Greetings Science Cheerleader Fans!
Science Cheerleader, Dr. Talmesha,  here to tell you about a great event! On June 9, 2013 hundreds of kids and parents from Maryland and beyond converged upon Howard County Community College (HCCC) for the first annual Howard County Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Festival. The festival featured panel discussions, hands on demonstrations and even a laser show.  At the Science Cheerleader booth we encouraged kids and adults to be citizen scientists through Project MERCCURI. I, myself, as an advocate for STEM education at the national level at the USA Science and Engineering Festival, was elated to be involved at the local level getting kids and adults excited about STEM.  I had the pleasure of being joined by Junior Science Cheerleaders, Chloe and Jackie, and their dedicated mothers.  Check out their blog below:


On June 9 we joined Science Cheerleader, Dr. Talmesha Richards, as Jr. Science Cheerleaders at the Howard County STEM Festival in Maryland. We greeted visitors, explained what Science Cheerleaders do and swabbed lots of cells phones and shoes for microbes. We were surprised by how many people didn’t know what microbes were! Many people were excited to swab for microbes, though, when we shared that there was a chance their sample could be chosen to take a trip aboard a rocket to the International Space Station. The funniest question we were asked was, “Do I need to be a cheerleader to do this experiment?” We explained that they only needed to be interested in helping other scientists and we were representing cheerleaders who were very interested in science and other STEM topics! We are hoping that when the Science Cheerleaders collect microbes from NFL and NBA stadiums and fans in Washington, DC and Baltimore,  we can participate the activities ! We will have more news to share then!
Go Science!
Cheerleaders from bows to toes!
Chloe Behrendt & Jackie McNicholas
Jr. Science Cheerleaders
It was great working with Chloe and Jackie and their mothers.  They were true examples of how easy it is to make science a family affair.  Their energy was infectious. No pun intended! I have fond childhood memories of my parents and I attending events that fostered my love for math and science. It was a privilege to represent Science Cheerleader and to give back to the community. I am looking forward to next year’s festival. I am sure it will be even bigger and better.
Dr. Talmesha




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