Science Cheerleader Hilary here, coming to you with an exciting update about my hometown heroes the New England Patriots Cheerleaders! As the Patriots prepare to host the Jaguars in the AFC Championship game, the Patriots Cheerleaders are working hard on the sidelines and off the field! Below are the amazing women who you’ll see on screen, who also do amazing things in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics between games! Keep a look out for these powerful ladies next week! (Photo Credits: New England Patriots) Click on a photo to read an interview with the “science cheerleader!”

Bella: Applied Psychology
And be sure to check out the rest of the New England Patriots Cheerleaders pursuing careers in science, technology, mathematics, and engineering fields below!
Brooke: Foundations of Health
Julia: Dental Hygiene
Kayla: Psychology
Kelsey: Biology
Kelsi: Radiology
Leanne: Psychology
Samantha: Biomedical Science
Sarah: Psychology
Victoria: Human Physiology, Dance, Psychology
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