Hello, Science Cheerleader fans! It’s playoff season for the NFL, and while we recognize the prowess displayed on the football field, we can’t neglect the science-minded cheerleaders to be found on the sidelines. Here we present the Kansas City Chiefs, who will be playing the Pittsburgh Steelers (who don’t have a cheer squad, alas) January 15 in one of the AFC Divisional Playoffs. Good luck, ladies!
Alexis, Certified Occupational Therapy Assistant
Brooke, Clinical Dietician
Claire, Chiropractic Assistant and X-Ray Technician
Emma, Physical Therapy Student
Kelsey, Registered Dietician
Krystal, Software Architect
Lindsay, Student at University of Kansas Medical Center
Morgan, Nursing Student
Nikki, Registered Nurse
Sara, Physical Therapy Student
Sarah, Occupational Therapist/Medical Device Associate Sales Representative
And don’t forget to check out the other Kansas City Chiefs Science Cheerleaders on our page.