Last week, the Science Cheerleaders performed at a White House/NASA celebration of Women’s History Month. Keynote speakers included Valerie Jarrett (senior White House adviser), Lori Garver (Deputy Director of NASA who told us she, too, was once a cheerleader) and astronaut Tracy Caldwell Dyson, who recently returned from six months in space aboard the International Space Station. I cannot say enough about the talks each woman delivered and I encourage you to take some time to watch the recorded event, which I will post when I have the link.
Tracy is a cheerleader for space exploration, chemistry (she has a PhD in chem) and helping kids tap their inner sources of strength. As you can see from this picture, she sure has the cheerleader-stance (she out-cheers me, that’s for sure!). It was an honor to work with Tracy and the professionals at NASA.
The Science Cheerleaders left feeling totally inspired and ready to spread the gospel of space exploration and girl-power!

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