(Very clever. Congratulations, Jesse!)
From the Union of Concerned Scientists: “Recently, we invited you to help choose the winner in Science Idol: Celebrity Edition, a cartoon contest designed to poke fun at the not-so-humorous problem of political interference in science. After almost 10,000 votes were cast, Jesse Springer of Eugene, OR, came out on top. His cartoon will grace the cover of this year’s Scientific Integrity Calendar. Political interference in federal government science is weakening our nation’s ability to respond to the complex challenges we face. Because policy makers depend on impartial research to make informed decisions, we are mobilizing scientists and citizens alike to push for reforms that will enable our leaders to fully protect our health, safety, and environment.”
Given what many people are recognizing now as human-induced global challenges that are looming ominously before the human family, it appears experts with understanding and knowledge of such formidable and pressing circumstances as could soon be confronted by the human community have what feels to me like a “duty to warn.” Those possessed of clear vision, coherence of mind, intellectual honesty and moral courage are called upon to speak out loudly, clearly and often so as to make yourselves heard around the world.