The Science Cheerleaders (current and former NFL and NBA cheerleaders who are pursuing careers in science, technology, engineering and math), performed for more than 100,000 people at the USA Science and Engineering Festival in Washington, D.C. (April 2012). Following their science-themed routines, the Science Cheerleaders led science activities, signed personalized trading cards, and participated in media interviews. Look for them on the Today Show (date TK). Learn more about the dozens of Science Cheerleaders who participated in the USA Science and Engineering Festival, here.
They also led a Big Cheer for Science! Thousands of students performed the same one-minute cheer at the same time on 4/27. Then, they measured how much they were able to shake their classrooms using an earthquake sensor provided by the USGS free of charge to participating schools. Now, each of those schools is linked up an important USGS long-term earthquake monitoring program!
These women aim to playfully challenge stereotypes, inspire young women to consider science and technology careers, and get people from all walks of life involved in formal and informal research projects demonstrating that science *is* for all!
For more information on the Science Cheerleaders, visit
For more information on our sister site, featuring hundreds of curated “citizen science” projects, visit
I absolutely love what you guys are doing! It’s a fantastic message and a great cause!
3 cheers for Science!
Thanks for taking the time to share your lovin’ with us!! It means a lot!
Thanks so much for the support!!