Meet Jennifer: Former TN Titans cheerleader, Nissan automovitve engineer.

As part of our continuing effort to playfully challenge stereotypes and inspire young women to consider careers in science, technology, engineering, math, and health, we present Jennifer! Jennifer was a star pro-cheerleader for the Tennessee Titans. Now, she’s an...
Meet Erica: 49ers cheerleader and a software engineer

Meet Erica: 49ers cheerleader and a software engineer

In our continuing effort to playfully challenge stereotypes–and inspire young women to pursue careers in science, technology, engineering, math, and health–I, Dr. John, would like to introduce you to Erica, a San Francisco 49ers Gold Rush cheerleader and a...

NASA's gettin' jiggy.

This ain’t yo’ daddy’s NASA no mo’.  Today, NASA launches Mission Science, a site designed specifically for teens “who have their own unique language and style,” according to this morning’s NASA press release. Teens can access...

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