by Darlene Cavalier | Jul 25, 2015 | Citizen Science, Events, Science Education
Science Cheerleader, NASA, SciStarter enlist youth cheerleaders and football players as citizen scientists for nationwide research that examines soil moisture conditions and water availability Grant from Youth Learning as Citizen Environmental Scientists enables...
by Darlene Cavalier | Jul 23, 2015 | Science of Cheerleading
Free book helps cheerleaders, coaches, students and science teachers explore the scientific principles that make elaborate cheers and stunts possible. Philadelphia, Penn. – (July 22, 2015) – Cheerleaders, it’s time to get excited about science! The Science of...
by Bart Leahy | Jun 2, 2015 | In the News
From Temple University News. Alumna Darlene Cavalier started Science Cheerleader to promote women in science careers. by Julia Chiango 24 February 2015 During her senior year at Temple, Darlene Cavalier decided to try out for the Philadelphia 76ers dance team. As a...
by Darlene Cavalier | Mar 15, 2012 | Blog, Citizen Science, In the News
Online and at live events across the country, the Science Cheerleaders playfully challenge stereotypes and mentor and inspire young women to pursue science, engineering and math careers. But did you know they also get kids AND adults engaged in science by drawing them...