by Darlene Cavalier | Mar 5, 2010 | Art and Science, Dr. John Reports, Tshirt
The other night, I was watching one of my favorite local bands, Deville, perform at a cozy DC music venue when I noticed something familiar about guitarist, Ian Graham. That’s right — the famed Science Cheerleader t-shirt! Those things are like gold...
by Darlene Cavalier | Jan 5, 2010 | News, Writings
Here’s a quirky (and sad) science news item I wrote for this week: Booming Music May Have Triggered Club Goers Heart Attack: ABC News reports on an unusual and tragic case of a heart attack triggered by blasting music. A British teenager...
by Darlene Cavalier | Oct 2, 2009 | Science Education
Here’s Science Cheerleader Reporter, Sarah. She interviewed the band “They Might Be Giants” about their new album “Here Comes Science!” John Linnel and John Flansburgh (often nicknamed “the two Johns”) first started writing...
by Darlene Cavalier | Jul 13, 2009 | Blog, Occam's Razor, Science Education
Occam gives dance class a whirl and discovers amusia. Here’s his take: My wife and I recently started taking dance classes and it has been a very fun experience. The popularity of such shows as Dancing with the Stars has undoubtedly led to an increase in...
by Darlene Cavalier | Dec 13, 2008 | Blog, Interviews
Daniel J. Levitin, a rock musician and producer turned neuroscientist and author of “The World in Six Songs” and “This is Your Brain on Music” wants to know. Do Christmas songs help put you in the holiday mood? If so, any song in particular?...