Meet Amanda: Former St. Louis Rams cheerleader, earning her medical degree

Meet Amanda: Former St. Louis Rams cheerleader, earning her medical degree

Recently, Amanda (a former cheerleader for the St. Louis Rams)  won an award for her work in breast cancer research, from the Journal of the American Society of Clinical Oncology. We caught up with her during her medical school studies at Columbia University. During...

Meet Alyson: TN Titans cheerleader-turned-biologist and chemist

You know the drill. We introduce you to some rockin’ pro cheerleader-turned-scientist to help shake up stereotypes and inspire young women to consider careers in science, technology, engineering, and math. Today we introduce Alyson, a TN Titans cheerleader who...
Meet Regina: professional cheerleader-turned-doctor-and-lawyer.

Meet Regina: professional cheerleader-turned-doctor-and-lawyer.

This is Regina, our latest addition to our collection of Science Cheerleaders. Sure, she cheered for the Washington Redskins but she’s also held a beating heart. True story (read on).  Regina graduated from college with a major in Molecular Biology and a minor in...

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