by Darlene Cavalier | May 29, 2009 | Blog, Occam's Razor
Presenting Science’s newest, regular commentator, Occam’s Razor…our skeptical cheerleader. Take it away, Occam… This year we honor Charles Darwin’s 200th birthday. Few scientists are celebrated so ardently for so long as...
by Darlene Cavalier | Feb 9, 2009 | Blog, Citizen Science, News
NEWSWEEK’s Malcolm Jones compares revolutionaries Lincoln and Darwin in this fascinating article. A couple of highlights from the report (much of it based on the book “The Rebel Giants” by David R. Contosta). -Charles Darwin and Abraham Lincoln were...
by Darlene Cavalier | Feb 6, 2009 | Blog, Science Education
My brother-in-law sent this to me. He lives with my sister and niece in England, very close to Darwin’s birth place: Darwin was born in Shrewsbury the county town of Shropshire (the county where we live) about 20 miles from Bridgnorth. Here’s a great site...