by Hilary Nicholson | Apr 26, 2019 | Blog
Photo credit: Sonendo On April 11th, Science Cheerleader Theresa lead a dynamic warmup for a 5K sponsored by Sonendo, a medical device company innovating in dental healthcare. The 5K was part of the American Association of Endodontists annual meeting held this year in...
by Hilary Nicholson | Apr 9, 2019 | Blog
This Saturday, April 13, the Science Cheerleaders will return to the Cambridge Science Festival for the Science Carnival and Robot Zoo! Come meet Science Cheerleaders Hilary (cancer researcher) and Theresa (chemistry PhD candidate) from 12-4pm, and they will be joined...
by Hilary Nicholson | Mar 24, 2019 | Blog, Event Recap, Events
Last month, Science Cheerleaders Colleen and Margaret participated in a STEM expo at Archbishop Carroll High School in Washington, DC. The event was a great success with lots of exciting presenters and activities including a live cryogenics demonstration...
by Hilary Nicholson | Mar 24, 2019 | Blog, Information Technology, New England Patriots, NFL, STEM Field, Telecommunications, The Science Cheerleaders
Hi everyone, Sciene Cheerleader Colleen here! Former New England Patriots Cheerleader Dr. Patrice Farquharson recently received an Innovation in Technology Award from CT NBC and Telemundo for her proposal to help train teachers to integrate tech into their classrooms...
by Hilary Nicholson | Mar 18, 2019 | Accounting and Finance, Blog, New England Patriots, NFL, STEM Field, The Science Cheerleaders
While the Patriots tally their touchdowns, New England Patriots Cheerleader rookie Caitrin may be the best-equipped person on the field for heavier math! Read on below to learn how she balances accounts and a demanding role as a Patriots Cheerleaders, keeping teamwork...
by Hilary Nicholson | Mar 4, 2019 | Advanced Degrees, Blog, Doctorate, General - Science, Health and Medicine, New England Patriots, Physical Therapy
New England Patriots Cheerleader rookie Alicia has been balancing her work in physical therapy with her cheerleading career for years—she was an All-Star cheerleader for 10 years and has completed a bachelor’s degree and a doctorate in her pursuit to become an...