by Bart Leahy | Nov 5, 2013 | Events, Guest Blog Post, ISS, Project MERCCURI, The Science Cheerleaders, Washington Redskins
The following is a guest post by Science Cheerleader Talmesha. On Tuesday October 29, 2013 I visited the place where I spent five years as a National Football League (NFL) cheerleader, Washington Redskins’ FedEx Field. I, along with current Redskins Cheerleaders...
by Darlene Cavalier | Oct 10, 2013 | In the News
This is part of a series of interviews with science communicators about science communication from Julie Gould reporting for “Speaking of Science.” Today she’s speaking to… Science Cheerleader Talmesha Richards. Julie: Where are you based? I am...
by Bart Leahy | Jul 13, 2013 | Events, Guest Blog Post, ISS, Project MERCCURI
Greetings Science Cheerleader Fans! Science Cheerleader, Dr. Talmesha, here to tell you about a great event! On June 9, 2013 hundreds of kids and parents from Maryland and beyond converged upon Howard County Community College (HCCC) for the first annual Howard County...
by Darlene Cavalier | Jun 4, 2013 | Events, Project MERCCURI, STEM appearances
Meet Science Cheerleader Talmesha on Sunday at the Howard County STEM event! Talmehsa holds a Ph.D. Cellular and Molecular Medicine, B.S. Chemical Engineering, and B.S. Mathematics. She’s also a STEM Education Advocate and motivational speaker in addition to...
by Bart Leahy | Jun 5, 2012 | Advanced Degrees, Blog, Chemical Engineering, Chemistry, Doctorate, General - Mathematics, General - Science, Health and Medicine, Mathematics, NFL, STEM Field, The Science Cheerleaders, Washington Redskins
Congratulations to Science Cheerleader Talmesha, Science Cheerleader who cheered for the Washington Redskins. She already has a B.S. Chemical Engineering and a B.S. Mathematics. Now, she has a brand new Ph.D. in Cellular and Molecular Medicine from Johns Hopkins!...